
Veille #Cybersécurité du 21/07/2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Hacker Made $1,000 A Day from Stolen League of Legends Accounts

Posted on by in Computer Hacking, Cyber Crime, Featured Stories, Hackers In The News, Hackers vs. Banks // 0 Comments With popularity comes potential vulnerability, as Riot Games continues to learn.

L’IAE de Poitiers lance son Master d’Intelligence Economique à distance

Comme promis, le Master Intelligence Economique de l’IAE de Poitiers lance sa Formation à Distance (FAD) en Intelligence Economique, disponible dès la rentrée universitaire 2014-15.

How your electronic DNA could be the secure login of the future

New research could allow our physical behaviour to be used as a secure way of logging in to our computers and smartphones, a team at the University of Oxford say, claiming that they can also detect when a person is drunk or has had sex.

China Not Having Much Success In Its Efforts to Hide Its Global Espionage Operations

DragonFly, Cosmic Duke and Pitty Tiger: From State-Sponsored Espionage to Campaign of Independent APTs

Cyber espionage is one of the most aggressive cyber threats for private companies and government entities. In recent years, the number of cyber attacks having this finality has increased as never before.

Snowden will develop pro-privacy crypto tools

He made the announcement at the HOPEX conference in New York this past weekend, calling on other attendees to join him in a project to « improve the future by encoding our rights into programs and protocols by which we rely every day. » (via /.

The Rise Of Threat Intelligence Sharing

The Target breach prompted retailers to create a formalized process for disseminating threat intelligence information to help incident responders quickly address attacks targeting payment systems and threats to servers containing sensitive customer data.

The Five Stages of Vulnerability Management

The key to having a good information security program within your organization is having a good vulnerability management program.

Safran sensibilise ses collaborateurs à la protection de l’information avec un serious game

Safran vient de lancer « Sentinel », un jeu en 3D destiné à sensibiliser de manière originale ses collaborateurs aux bons comportements à adopter pour lutter contre l’espionnage industriel.,20140721,46478.html — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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