
Veille #Cybersécurité du 23/07/2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Dutch spy agencies can receive NSA data, court rules

Dutch intelligence services can receive bulk data that might have been obtained by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) through mass data interception programs, even though collecting data that way is illegal for the Dutch services, the Hague District Court ruled Wednesday.

The psychology of phishing

Phishing emails are without a doubt one of the biggest security issues consumers and businesses face today. Cybercriminals no longer send out thousands of emails at random hoping to get a handful of hits, today they create highly targeted phishing emails which are tailored to suit their recipients.

Attackers Bypass 2FA Systems Used by Banks in ‘Operation Emmental’

SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanisms used by banks to secure their customers’ accounts have been bypassed by cybercriminals using a combination of malware, mobile apps, rogue DNS servers, and phishing sites, according to a report published by Trend Micro on Tuesday.

Hacker claims breach of Wall Street Journal and Vice websites, punts ‘user data’ for sale

An individual going under the handle « w0rm » posted screenshots in a bid to substantiate his claims of hacks against the WSJ (here) and Vice (here) before offering to sell stolen databases from both publications for 1 BTC apiece ($620).

Kali Linux 1.0.8 Released with EFI Boot Support

The long awaited Kali Linux USB EFI boot support feature has been added to our binary ISO builds, which has prompted this early Kali Linux 1.0.8 release.

Keeping Spies Out: German Ratchets Up Counterintelligence Measures

Officials in Berlin were long in denial that their closest allies were spying on Germany. Now, ministries are undertaking measures to improve security and counterintelligence. They’re anticipating frosty relations with the US for some time to come.

BlackHat USA 2014 : les outils d’anonymisation doivent-ils s’inquiéter ?

La conférence Black Hat USA commencera le 2 aout à Las Vegas. De nombreuses conférences sur la cyber sécurité sont attendues, mais en amont de cet événement, plusieurs annonces jettent un doute sur la fiabilité des outils de protection de la vie privée.

Les Forces Terrestres et le cyberespace comme nouveau champ de bataille (étude)

Mai 2014 – La cyberdéfense constituant désormais une dimension importante dans les conflits actuels, il devient nécessaire de s’interroger sur les vulnérabilités propres aux forces terrestres dans le contexte de la montée en puissance de la conduite d’opérations militaires dans le cyberespace.

The Challenge Of Keeping Tabs On The NSA’s Secretive Work

Here’s a question with no easy answer: How do you hold the nation’s spy agencies accountable — when they control the secrets? Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden apparently thought the answer was to blow the lid off some of the NSA’s highly classified programs.

Here’s How To Invent A Person Online

As an artist, I’ve long been interested in identity and the ways it is represented. My first serious body of work, Springfield, used the concept of a Midwestern nowhere to explore representations of middle-American sprawl.

Apple Posts Q&A Addressing ‘Backdoor’ Concerns

The iPhone manufacturer posted small descriptions of what,, and — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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