
Veille #Cybersécurité du 11/08/2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Hackers Unveil Their Plan to Change Email Forever

« They’re going to keep coming after us,” Ladar Levison, creator of an encrypted email service used by Edward Snowden, said at Defcon on Friday The creator of an ultra-secure email service once said to be used by Edward Snowden unveiled his next project at a major hacker conference Friday: he

Vendor Sues Gartner Over Magic Quadrant ‘Pay to Play’ Model

A computer performance management provider seeks monetary damages in a lawsuit filed this week against Gartner Inc. after the IT research giant named the vendor a « challenger » and not a « leader » in one of its Magic Quadrant industry reports. NetScout Systems, based in Westford, Mass.

Russian accused of hacking is arraigned in Seattle

SEATTLE (AP) – A Russian lawmaker’s son accused of hacking computers at hundreds of U.S. businesses and stealing credit card information pleaded not guilty to 29 charges Friday. U.S. District Judge John L.

La NSA aurait des difficultés à recruter depuis l’affaire Snowden

Révélés par Edward Snowden, les programmes de surveillance de masse sont désormais connus de tous.

Defining Cyber threats: Understanding is the Key to Defense

Share this content Defining Cyber threats: Understanding is the Key to Defense Hide details E.J.

Why Even the Definition of “Cyber Attack” Matters

Although definitional debates can sometimes seem pedantic, debates over the term “cyber attack” are an important exception. How “cyber attack” is defined has real consequences. Take the recent reporting about a cyber incident affecting NASDAQ, for instance.

10 Commandments of Secure Engineering

Back in May, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a draft publication on systems security engineering.

Def Con: The good, the bad and ‘the Feds’

The kids, aged between seven and 10 or so, are sat around in a semi-circle, as if ready to hear a bedtime story. This room, set up to inspire kids into a career as a hacker, is a fringe event of Def Con, one of the biggest – and certainly the most notorious – hacking conferences in the world.

Blackberry gets good news from an unlikely ally, the U.S. defense department

Las Vegas — Beleagured Blackberry went to Black Hat last week and wanted to talk security. As in Blackberry security offerings.

Appel public à commentaires sur le référentiel d’exigences applicables aux prestataires de services sécurisés d’informatique en nuage

Les prestataires de services d’informatique en nuage fournissent une externalisation du stockage et du traitement des données de tous les types d’entités (administrations, collectivités territoriales, opérateurs d’importance vitale, entreprises, etc.).

The Snowden Leaks Have Been Very Good for Business of Computer Security Firms

At this week’s Def Con hacker gathering in Las Vegas, Tess Schrodinger sounded almost annoyed.

Incident Response: Beyond the Breach

When the organizers of the just-concluded Black Hat USA conference wanted to explore incident response, they turned to Bruce Schneier, the cryptographer, author, blogger and cybersecurity expert, to make a presentation.

Defcon : Un collectif exhorte l’industrie automobile à sécuriser les systèmes embarqués

Selon le collectif qui se fait appeler « I Am The Cavalry », les systèmes qui font tourner les appareils médicaux, les terminaux pour la maison, les systèmes embarqués dans les automobiles et ceux des infrastructures publiques doivent être mieux protégés contre les cyberattaques.

July 2014 Cyber Attacks Statistics

It’s time to aggregate the data of the timelines of July (Part II and Part II) into (hopefully) meaning stats.

Atos a réussi son OPA sur Bull

La SSII Atos détiendra 84,25% du capital de Bull au 18 août prochain. Avec ce rapprochement, le groupe va développer trois axes  : le cloud, la sécurité et le big data.

U.S defense giants are hiring the best hackers they can find (with a few caveats)

Las Vegas — If you’re a hacker, a really good one, you now have even more career choices awaiting you — assuming you’re not a convicted felon.

Le smartphone sécurisé Blackphone piraté en 5 minutes ?

Avec les révélations d’Edward Snowden sur l’espionnage massif de la NSA, plusieurs acteurs se sont penchés sur la sécurité des smartphones. L’objectif est de pouvoir créer un terminal ultra-sécurisé capable d’éviter les écoutes indiscrètes des gouvernements. — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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