
Veille #Cybersécurité du 19 au 22 août 2014

Tout ce qu’il ne fallait pas manquer aujourd’hui dans votre veille #Cybersécurité. Bonne lecture ! —

Tesla crée une équipe de hackers pour sécuriser ses voitures

Alors que les voitures embarquent désormais beaucoup plus d’électronique que de mécanique, et sont destinées à conduire toutes seules, la question de la sécurité des systèmes d’information qui gèrent les freins, la direction, la vitesse ou la détection de l’environnement des véhic

NSA and GCHQ agents ‘leak Tor bugs’ alleges developer

Some US and UK cyberspies are deliberately undermining their workmates’ « dark web » surveillance efforts, according to the leading developer of software used to access hidden parts of the internet.

Stealing encryption keys through the power of touch

Researchers from Tel Aviv University have demonstrated an attack against the GnuPG encryption software that enables them to retrieve decryption keys by touching exposed metal parts of laptop computers. There are several ways of attacking encryption systems.

Chinese hackers spied on investigators of Flight MH370 – report

Malaysian officials investigating the disappearance of flight MH370 have been targeted in a hacking attack that resulted in the theft of classified material.

CISOs Can Combat APTs with a Bit of Preparation

Advanced persistent threats are on the rise. It is time for CISOs to move beyond the traditional security measures.    It is too early to forget the story of the US retailer, Target and the massive data breach it encountered in December last year.

Hacker Or Military? Best Of Both In Cyber Security

How radically different approaches play out across the security industry. Three things happened to me before BlackHat 2014 to bring the entire NSA / Edward Snowden drama back to the forefront. The media reminded us of the one-year anniversary of the original Snowden leaks.

Spy agency uses game to find tomorrow’s cyber security stars

UK government security agency GCHQ wants the public to help protect a (fictitious) aerospace technology company threatened by imminent attack from cyber terrorists.

How to Save the Net: Break Up the NSA

By treating the Internet as a giant surveillance platform, the NSA has betrayed the Internet and the world. It has subverted the products, protocols, and standards that we use to protect ourselves. It has left us all vulnerable—to foreign governments, to cybercriminals, to hackers.

Researchers Show Malware Can Hack Gmail App With 92% Success Rate

Researchers claims a new piece of malware can steal highly sensitive data from smartphone apps on Android, Windows Phone and iOS with up to a 92% success rate.

L’Allemagne veut renforcer sa « souveraineté numérique »

Le gouvernement allemand a dit hier vouloir protéger sa « souveraineté numérique » à l’occasion de la présentation d’un plan visant notamment à accroître l’innovation, à développer plus rapidement l’Internet à très haut débit et à mieux protéger les utilisateurs du Net.

Hackers Successfully Crack US Nuclear Regulator For The First Time… Twice

The United States has admitted that hackers attacking its nuclear power plants have already succeeded. Twice. An investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees the US nuclear power grid, uncovered two incidents in which hackers were able to access its internal documents.

Israël se dit

L’armée israélienne a annoncé mardi qu’elle avait subi fin juillet, lors de la Journée mondiale d’Al-Qods organisée chaque année en solidarité avec le peuple palestinien, « une des cyberattaques les plus virulente qu’ait connu le réseau internet israélien ».

Bénin : plongée chez les marabouts arnaqueurs version 2.0

Une des nombreuses photos de marabouts proposant des consultations par Internet, qui circulent sur Facebook. « Marabout féticheur avec 30 ans d’expérience, je peux rendre n’importe quelle femme folle amoureuse de vous et même multiplier vos billets de banque.

U.S. Cyber Command Continuing to Grow and Gain More Capabilities

FORT MEADE, Md., Aug. 18, 2014 – U.S. Cyber Command continues to expand its capabilities and capacity, Navy Adm. Mike Rogers said Aug. 14. Navy Adm. Mike Rogers, commander of U.S.

How to implant a Trojan Horse: a user manual

This unsigned document, prepared in late 2009 by an employee of U.S. defense contractor CloudShield, accompanied the delivery of a prototype surveillance system to the German subsidiary of the United Kingdom’s Gamma Group.

The Syrian Malware House of Cards

The geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East have deepened in the last few years. Syria is no exception, with the crisis there taking many forms, and the cyberspace conflict is intensifying as sides try to tilt the struggle in their favor by exploiting cyber intelligence and using distortion.

Schrodinger’s Cat Video and the Death of Clear-Text

Read Morgan Marquis-Boire’s op-ed in The Intercept on the report’s findings. Read the report’s accompanying piece in the Washington Post. — Vous pouvez également vous abonner à cette veille #Cybersécurité via un flux RSS dédié :

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